J. Thies


At WorkFor twelve years, I worked for UMUC in the area of Student, Faculty and Staff Support. The key function of my job was to help faculty members with their online classes and content. I also focused on assisting faculty in using new technologies for online instruction, and communication facilitation. Duties ran from training sessions for the faculty to troubleshooting technical problems as they arose.

The WebTycho program that I supported for online course delivery offers more to Distance Education than simply a place for webpages and bulletin boards. The WebTycho program offers a conference area for asynchronous discussions (much like many bulletin boards at once), a chat room for Real Time chat sessions, an assignment area to store, turn in and grade student assignments online (without relying on the mail to deliver papers), an online syllabus and online materials section. It is much better than most other Distance Education programs out there, and offers much more.


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