10/19/10- Been quite a while since the last update. I survived Pennsic and the truly amazing Jacket Study Tour, which gave unprecedented access to 16th and 17th century embroideries from a host of fine museums. Wonderful tour with fun friends!
3/18/10- My work is in a museum! Well, I had a part of a work in a museum. The Plimoth Jacket is now on display at Winterthur in Delaware in the Textiles and Needlework Gallery and it is beautiful.
1/15/10- We've had Ladybug as a part of our family for one year, and we're so happy. Had a lovely Holiday visit from Jodi, Cint and the Nieces that involved some fun site-seeing and museuming.
10/13/08- Added a page for Vair and Ermine to the SCA section.